13 Remote Job Interview Questions and Ways to Answer

by on November 25, 2020

But beyond that, you aren’t sure exactly what you should say to impress the interviewer(s) and get yourself one step closer to landing that work-from-home job. We’ve got some tips to help you impress the hiring manager and move on as a top contender. While most answers to common work from home interview questions can be rehearsed in advance, some questions will be specific to your field and to the organization. Honesty is always the best policy, and there’s no better attire than confidence. You’ll not just be sitting and answering questions but also asking some questions yourself in the end. Most remote interviewers allow the candidate to ask any questions they have.

For example, personal tasks can end up interfering with your work. The interviewer is asking this question to understand if you’re able to organize your work and deliver in time despite all of the challenges that come with remote work.. Here, we will explore 15 work from home interview work from home experience questions (I’ll tell you about what I was asked too) and their answers that will give you an idea of what to expect in your next remote interview. Once you get a gist of the kind of answers and things you need to be ready with before your interview, you’ll be more confident too.

Why do you want to work remotely?

Remember, the hiring manager is looking for a previous situation. Describe the situation you were in, the goals you were working toward, the actions you took, and the result. Employers need to know that you can manage and remediate conflict with remote coworkers. Disagreements and misunderstandings are inevitable when working remotely, so knowing how to defuse a situation is an incredibly important skill for any remote worker.

describe your experience working remotely

So, take an honest look at what your natural rhythm is and how you’re most productive before you answer this question. Employers want to know about the logistics because in a remote job, when you can’t waltz into a coworker’s office to sort something out, little things – like how you communicate problems – make a big difference. To convince your future boss that you are https://remotemode.net/ cut out for remote work, you need to understand exactly WHAT habits and characteristics make you qualified. And I mean really understand yourself, from the way you keep track of deadlines to the way you prepare for meetings – the nitty gritty of how you work and what makes you most effective. This is another situation where you’ll want to leverage the STAR method.

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Employers want to know that you’re disciplined, can fend off distractions, and have tactics to keep yourself on track and productive. Employers are looking for thoughtful answers from someone who acknowledges the positive aspects of remote work, along with the challenges. They don’t want to hire someone who will become unhappy when working from home isn’t what they expected. Since there won’t be a boss looking over your shoulder, the employer is asking how you will stay motivated to accomplish your tasks. An interviewer asking this question may be as interested, or even more interested, in your personal attitude towards the challenges that this year has presented. Focus on the positive and show that you can make lemonade out of those lemons.

describe your experience working remotely

However, you can slightly shift the setup to make it known that you performed the work remotely. By placing your remote work experience here, the recruiter will see right off the bat that you have previous experience with working independently from a home office. Here are some tips on how to weave your remote work experience into your resume. So, how do you properly show your remote work experience on a resume? I achieve a much better work-life balance when I work from home. The flexible hours allow me to be there for my kids in the mornings and get them off to school, and also be there for them when they come home.

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And know that you probably won’t have experience with every single platform any given employer uses. Just be sure to mention how quickly you’ve learned new tools in the past. It’s also a great opportunity to learn about the company culture so you can determine whether there is mutual fit. Employers want to see that you’ve been successful and accomplished while working remotely.

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