5 methods for successful affiliate onboarding

by on August 5, 2022

Understanding your audience’s level of expertise will enable you to tailor your content accordingly. How you onboard affiliates will impact their ability to successfully promote your brand and refer paying customers. Affiliate onboarding is the first step in building a positive affiliate relationship. This is crucial to not only the success of individual affiliates but also the success of your overall affiliate program.

Many of its affiliate programs offer accelerated payments, plus you’ll get paid for validated transactions regardless of when Awin gets paid by the advertiser. In addition to the super diverse range of brands and products, you also get all the tools successful affiliate marketers need — from excellent support to simple affiliate link creation. Consider creating a “getting started” guide with all of the most important information your affiliates need.

After all, there are thousands of high paying affiliate programs to choose from. Affiliates are typically paid whenever a visitor creates a transaction, such as a click, form submission, or sale. Affiliate marketing is mostly performance-based, which means you only get paid as an affiliate if your visitor takes an action (versus just visits your site). Some merchants choose to work with an affiliate network because they lack the time or resources to track, report, and manage payments to the affiliates. They might also choose to work with multiple affiliates or publishers within the affiliate network. Your affiliate onboarding is a perfect opportunity to showcase how simple and reliable your payment process is.

By using this form you agree that your personal data would be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Unlike most entries on this list, The Project 24 System’s plan is based on annual membership. You need to pay $449 for the first year and $249 for the second, totaling $698 if you decide to stay for the full 24 months. Take a second to type in your email address here, and we’ll shoot you an invite to our free training to discover seven secrets that make 83% of new sites more successful.

In addition to having a dedicated email, you may also want to add a time to meet affiliates face-to-face through free video conferencing. This could be a required step in your onboarding process or given as an option for those affiliates looking to have a more in-depth conversation. Provide affiliates with an email they can send all affiliate-related questions and inquiries to. This could be a dedicated email address for your affiliate program or the email address of your affiliate manager or team members overseeing your program. Check in monthly or quarterly with newsletters, product updates, upcoming sales, media mentions, and any bonus offers. This is also a good time to offer the option for meeting individually with affiliates if they would like to.

In this guide, we will delve deep into how to set your affiliates up for success. Learn how to build an effective affiliate marketing funnel with tips on choosing products, types of funnels, traffic sources, and communication strategies. Start your free account with Post Affiliate Pro for a high-performance affiliate program. Onboarding is the key to success for performance-based affiliate marketing. Once their onboarding is successfully over, achieving affiliate marketing success will be a piece of cake for them.

affiliate onboarding success methods

The more affiliates you have actively promoting your brand, the more conversions you are likely to have. While your new affiliates might know how to make content for their given audience, they will need material from https://zaimmicro.ru/category/stati/ you for promoting your products or services. Having company-branded materials available for affiliates right at the start helps in two ways. Firstly, they allow affiliates to start promoting the products right away.

Spending my days writing marketing content, cycling around canals in Amsterdam and attempting to master the Dutch language. You can set up email triggers for different events and customize them with different messages. After the process is over, we will send the login details to your mailbox. Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with Post Affiliate Pro.

affiliate onboarding success methods

Taylor is the Founder of The Up Foundry; an agency that works with successful SaaS and technology companies to grow their affiliate program revenues and affiliate relationships. It’s always good to discover feedback from all types of users within your affiliate program. Some of the most insightful information I received from affiliates came from surveying affiliates who signed up and didn’t promote at all. It’s ok to give affiliates a little nudge or set a goal that will help prioritize promoting your product or services over other offerings. Help affiliates identify keywords and phrases that can help drive traffic to their websites and increase sales. This can involve conducting keyword research and providing affiliates with a list of target keywords to use in their content.

  • Affiliates are going to have a lot of questions, so compiling them all into one document saves you—and them—heaps of time.
  • This means routinely checking in to provide them with everything they need.
  • That includes signing up for relevant affiliate programs that offer both great management and great design.
  • Sticking to the simple language will ensure that all your new hires understand the instructions and know what is expected from them.
  • While must-know information is sent in the welcome message, there’s likely still a lot you can share with affiliates to help them get started.

They put their foot in the door of the affiliate marketing scene when they acquired LinkShare in 2005. That meant instant delivery, almost no overheads, and the ability for them to work directly with creators. Although they could never have imagined social media to be a thing, their range of products can also work extremely well with those audiences. What the above means, in plain English, is that most affiliates are paid 30 days after making a sale, but others are not paid for 90 days.

affiliate onboarding success methods

Basic WordPress familiarity is necessary to join this class, as you’ll learn the technical aspects of setting up a WordPress site. That includes installing plugins, creating an author bio, and optimizing pages. Students can watch how Morten builds a site in real-time, from niche and domain selection to content creation and monetization. Unlike TASS, The Affiliate Lab doesn’t offer a money-back guarantee, and the payment plan isn’t as flexible. There are also extra costs for buying a domain, hosting, and a keyword research tool.

affiliate onboarding success methods

Some students might also find it overwhelming due to the abundance of information. The cool thing is that if you have some existing traffic, you could start earning passive income from your visitors literally tomorrow, with some payments arriving in the next 30 days. However, their affiliate network is 2Checkout, which is massively confusing because they’re also a payment https://ludmed.ru/lechenie/page/9 processor. But they’ve been part of the affiliate marketing industry for a long time, making a big enough splash to be acquired by eBay in 2009. One of my favorites is the “brands to work with instantly” section, which lists all the advertisers offering instant approvals. It’s a fantastic feature that makes it easy for new affiliate marketers to get up and running fast.

To see the best success with affiliate marketing, you need to create genuine and remarkable content that promotes your chosen products. Interview other users and fans of the products to showcase different opinions. For many entrepreneurs looking to build an online business or marketers looking to monetize their web traffic, affiliate marketing is often how they got started with generating income.

Your organization will take several steps to implement the affiliate partner strategy. Affiliate onboarding is the process of settling new affiliates into your affiliate program. It aims to train your new partners, ensuring that they feel empowered to review and promote your products in https://www.renema.ru/turist-biblioteka/45-dik-rasteniya/378-pulmonaria-officinalis.html line with your goals and expectations. Despite often being overlooked, affiliate onboarding is key to successful affiliate promotions. To create a positive onboarding experience, take time to prepare affiliate communications and resources which will ultimately help in the long run.

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