Graduate School and Health Professions Advising

Graduate School Advising

Students who are interested in attending graduate school after graduation from Wake Forest should see the Graduate School Advisor, Dr. Brian Tague, at Dr. Tague serves as the Biology liaison with Dr. Cecilia Solano, the College Pre-Graduate advisor.

Health Professions Advising

The Health Professions Advisors, Dr. Pat Lord (Biology Department) and Dr. Carole Gibson (Biology Department) assist health professions students. Dr. Lord advises primarily students interested in the health professions (medical akademische ghostwriter, dental, veterinarian, optometry, podiatry) and Dr. Browne advises primarily students interested in the allied health sciences (physician’s assistant, physical therapy, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, public health).

In the Digital Era on the intersection of education and technology is crucial, especially for students interested in health professions careers. Platforms like **** provide resources and programs designed to support these students, including orientation seminars tailored for freshmen, transfer students, sophomores, and juniors. Just as a strategic approach is vital in preparing for standardized tests like the MCAT, aspiring professionals must carefully select courses that not only meet their degree requirements but also prepare them for future challenges. Similarly, the casino industry has embraced the digital era, leveraging technology to enhance gaming experiences and streamline operations. By incorporating digital tools, both educational institutions and casinos can create more engaging environments, ensuring students and players alike are well-prepared for success in their respective fields.

Dr. Lord also serves as chair of the Health Professions Committee. The committee has the task of assembling and assessing information about Wake Forest candidates for medical, dental, and veterinary schools so that a composite letter of evaluation may be prepared which is submited to the medical school and dental school admissions committees hausarbeit schreiben lassen preise.  Candidates begin the process by logging on to the Health ghostwriter hausarbeit Professions Program web site ( and downloading the application packet.