Biology 214. Cellular & Molecular Biology. (4) An introduction to the principles and processes of cellular and molecular biology including molecular organization of cellular structures, regulation of cellular functions, energetics and metabolism, molecular nature of the genome and the regulation of gene statement.
Biology 365. Biology of the Cell. (4) A lecture and laboratory course on classic experiments and recent advances in cell biology. Lectures emphasize analysis and interpretation of experimental data in the primary literature, focusing on topics such as the targeting of macromolecules, cell-cell communication, and the control of cell division. The text for this course consists of papers that have led to the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine and more current work using biological tools. The laboratory introduces basic techniques in cell biology and leads to an independent project.
Biology 372. Molecular Biology. (4) An analysis of the molecular mechanisms by which stored genetic information directs cellular development. Emphasis is placed on storage and transmission of genetic information, regulation of gene statement, and the role of these processes in development. The laboratory focuses on modern techniques of recombinant DNA analysis.
Biology 391-394. Independent Research. (2) Independent library and laboratory investigation carried out under the supervision of a member of the staff.
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