
Biology faculty greet new graduate

Professors Weigl, Conner, and Muday greeting new graduates

The Department of Biology embodies Wake Forest’s Teacher-Scholar ideal, with vibrant research groups working across the spectrum of the biological sciences.  We nurture this diversity and we consider it to be a great strength of the department.

Faculty in the department who have overlapping interests form Focus Groups to broaden their capabilities in teaching and research. The Focus Groups have fluid boundaries and are inclusive rather than exclusive. The current Focus Groups are (1) Ecology and Evolution, (2) Neurobiology and Behavior, (3) Cellular and Molecular Biology, and (4) Integrative Plant Science.  Many members of the department participate in more than one focus group. Undergraduates typically take courses across the Focus Groups, and graduate committees almost always include members of multiple Focus Groups.

Cell and Molecular
Diana Arnett
James Curran
Matthew Fuxjager
Carole Gibson
Dan Johnson
Erik Johnson
Raymond Kuhn
Pat Lord
Gloria Muday
James Pease
Brian Tague
Ke Zhang

Ecology and Evolution
David Anderson
Michael Anderson
Robert Browne
Gerald Esch
Kathleen Kron
James Pease
Miles Silman
William Smith
Clifford Zeyl

Integrative Plant Biology
Michael Anderson
Kathy Kron
Gloria Muday
Miles Silman
William Smith
Brian Tague

Neurobiology and Behavior
Miriam Ashley-Ross
William Conner
Susan Fahrbach
Matthew Fuxjager
Erik Johnson
Katy Lack
Glen Marrs
Wayne Silver